Omega-3 is crucial for dogs, but not every brand of dog food includes sufficient levels in its produce. You might already be aware that omega-3 is essential brain food for people, and it transpires that it has a similar impact on our canine companions. Let’s take a closer look at why omega-3 is so important for dogs and what you can do to ensure your pup is healthy.
What is Omega-3 for dogs?
Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid. Your dog needs it to stay healthy, and it’s particularly important for the health of their brain, sensitive skin, fur, and heart. It is deemed essential for your dog’s survival, but they are unable to produce it, meaning they must take in sufficient levels of omega-3 from the foods that they eat. You might already be aware that polyunsaturated fat is healthy, and it actually helps your dogs to stay in shape. But don’t fall into the trap of giving your dog a human omega-3 supplement, as it may be unbalanced or even harmful to their health.
Why is Omega-3 important for dogs?
Brain health
Primarily, omega-3 is regarded as excellent brain food for your pup. It helps them learn faster and improves their memory while ensuring that your pup learns about the world around them. When your pup matures, omega-3 is still really important, and it means they’re more likely to respond well to your training commands. It’s also been proven that omega-3 can prevent cognitive decline, which is prevalent in older dogs.
Omega-3 is also regarded as a powerful and natural anti-inflammatory. As a result, it can be beneficial to dogs that have arthritis, as it improves their range of motion and limits their discomfort. Fatty acids such as omega-3 can also improve the mobility and comfort of dogs with hip dysplasia, even though it isn’t an inflammatory disease.
Healthy skin and shiny fur
Another significant benefit of omega-3 is that it helps to manage the condition of your dog’s skin and can improve wound healing. It is also known to improve the condition of their coat, leaving their fur super soft and shiny.
Improved heart health
Finally, omega-3 fatty acids are essentially a superfood for dogs as they work wonders for their heart. They reduce triglyceride levels in the blood, which improves circulation and reduces the risk of your pup developing a range of heart complications.
How much Omega-3 does a dog need?
Dogs require a dose of between 75/100mg of omega-3 per KG of bodyweight. However, the amount of omega-3 a dog requires may differ from breed to breed, so it’s important to bear this in mind. As a general rule, little dogs need less omega-3 than bigger breeds. Medical conditions can also influence the amount of omega-3 that a dog needs to thrive. For instance, dogs with inflammatory conditions benefit from more omega-3 in their food, and a vet may even offer a prescription for certain ailments.
Even though it’s a fatty acid, eating more omega-3 won’t actually lead to your dog becoming overweight. Remember, omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that helps dogs maintain their weight levels. When it comes to preventing weight gain, it’s much more important to ensure that your dog’s calories and meal portions are correct for their breed and size. Finally, you need to steer clear of giving your dog omega-3 supplements, as too much of it can lead to gastrointestinal issues and diarrhoea.
How to improve your dog’s omega-3 intake?
It’s best not to give your dog human omega-3 supplements. What’s more, “complete” dog foods often result from a process of harsh processing, which can actually destroy some of the nutrients in the food. Omega-3 and amino acids are particularly vulnerable to harsh processing, meaning they’re often limited in kibble and canned food for dogs. Ultimately, most processed dog food has an imbalance of fatty acids due to the ingredients used by the manufacturer. As such, switching to a nutritious, wholesome dog food brand is a really important step to ensure your dog gets the levels of omega-3 they need to thrive.
Which foods contain omega-3?
Thankfully, there are lots of foods that are naturally rich in omega-3, meaning you can choose wisely when it comes to the supply you buy for your dog. Some examples include fresh, oily fish like salmon, trout, sardines, anchovies, pilchards, sprats, mackerel, and herring. Nuts and seeds are also a good source of omega-3, but they aren’t always a good option for dogs. Another great source of omega-3 is leafy greens like cabbage and kale, which are also super nutritious for a range of other reasons. Eggs are also a good option for dogs.
The bottom line is that you need to think carefully about the levels of omega-3 in your dog’s diet. Choosing a brand like Pure Pet Food is a great way to personalise your pup’s meal plan to ensure they get sufficient omega-3 and other nutrients in their daily diet.